If you have any question on if your herd is fit for transport download the Ministry for Primary Industries of New Zealand’s App below:



Livestock must be:

> healthy and in good condition

> free from injury and disease

> not recently castrated or dehorned (yearling stags may have velvet removed 1 hour prior to transport using NaturO rings)

Livestock may not be fit for transport if:

> they are lame

> they have ingrown or injured horns

> they are late in pregnancy

> they have eye cancer

> they have injured or diseased udders

" Animals are your livelihood. Their welfare is your responsibility" -   Ministry of Primary Industries

It is an offence under the Animal Welfare Act 1999 for animal handlers to present animals that are unfit for the journey, and for transport operators to load unfit stock.

Every person involved directly or indirectly must take all reasonable steps to ensure that no animal suffers unnecessary pain or distress. This includes farm staff, stock agents, meat company staff, transport operators, pet food operators and veterinarians. 

Consult your veterinarian if you are unsure about the suitability of sick or injured animals for transport.  Veterinarians can issue certificates for transport.

Animals that are not fit for transport should be:

> treated on farm by farm staff or a veterinarian; or

> humanely slaughtered on farm.

Approved pet food operators can humanely slaughter animals on farm, and remove the carcase.